Our CEO Roda Ibrahim was invited to speak at the Greater London Authority High Streets For All panel discussion about her work leading and being apart of the Church End regeneration project. When the opportunity for this project arouse Ms Ibrahim was very excited because having lived in the area for over 30 years, she knew it would allow for an area that historically has not received much attention to get the revitalization it needed. We worked with diverse array of community organisations, ranging from women's groups to places of worship, all with varying capacities. Establishing clear roles and responsibilities from the outset was crucial for effective collaboration.
During the panel discussion Ms Ibrahim spoke about some of the challenges she faced during the project and how she and the project director Nimo Hussein overcame them. The greatest challenge they faced was keeping momentum going as there was a gap betting funding being allocated and the project starting, however, to keep ahead of this they kept in constant communication to ensure that everyone was on the same page. It’s Ms Ibrahim’s belief that the project is rather unique, and the challenges faced were no different, however it was a good learning experience and something that we will learn from and carry forward.
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Greater London Authority and the Brent Council for their invaluable support and collaboration throughout this project. Without their contributions, our vision for a stronger, more cohesive community would not have been possible. Together, we've made significant strides toward realising our shared goals, and I look forward to continued our partnership in the future.